This is my first year taking multimedia class and I personally really enjoyed it. I got to see my process using this app. We did different projects. My favorite ones were taking pictures of the different seasons of the year. Only got to take off fall, winter, and spring. My winter photos I got to take in Mexico. It was something different from my classmates' pictures here in Washington with a lot of snow.
One thing I struggle the most with is photoshopping. It was something very new to me, I had never done that before. Had to push myself, I would struggle and get frustrated because you need a lot of patience and it takes time. We also got to use this app called “Adobe Animate”. I like that app because it has the instructions how to complete an animation step by step, which is very helpful for me.
We did this project called “Public Service Announcement” . I had to come out of my comfort zone. It was something hard for me because I’m not comfortable being on camera and also not good at editing videos. I honestly didn’t like the result but that’s what I had and turned it in like that. Is better turning something in than nothing at all and bringing your grade down by a lot.
Multimedia class showed me a lot of different things, expanding my learning on photography. Starting with the basics on how to take pictures and what's the best time to take them, but also on finding the style I like.